"Us and them": International Field and Domestic Field

 I belong to international field, a group that consists of about 30 members (21st wavers). One factor that binds the international field is its small size. International field students often share rooms, take similar classes, and have barbecue. Moreover, similar barriers that we have to overcome---GPA, SAT, AP, extracurricular activities---render us united. Since we face similar hardships, we feel that we are somewhat attached to ourselves. As an international student, I befriended nearly all international field students and have pride in the group.

 On the other hand, the majority of KMLA students in our wave belong to domestic field. Their emphasis on school exam scores is much higher than that of us. Because Korean universities require high rank among the students, domestic field students often join in excessive competition. Compared to us, when they are given a task, they take it more seriously and devote their time to it. I have seen many students writing and memorizing the script they wrote beforehand. I have seen students who studied until dawn before quizzes. They were sensitive to scores.

 Perhaps if I were a domestic student (I did hesitate quite several times), I would have acted the same. I would have felt depressed by low ranks and be jealous of other classmates. I would have written the essay beforehand and studied late until dawn. I might think of the classmates as rocks that I have to step on to reach my goal. My characteristic would have greatly changed. I might be accusing myself for being too lazy and not smart enough, more than I do right now.

 If both field students consider in different perspectives---imagining that they suddenly chose the opposite field---they would understand their differences. Each field has its own difficulties, but students perceive their field to be tougher than the other. If they experience two different curriculum (if they switch their fields), they would realize that the two fields require different skills. Looking from different perspective is the key to solve the conflict. Furthermore, I think it would be better for each group to share other's characteristics. A domestic field student can participate in extracurricular actvities and school events. An international field student should have more passion in their school courses. Difference is inevitable due to different evaluation standards, but it may not be a problem if we try to understand each other.


  1. Very balanced and precisely what the prompt asked for in terms of weighing and considering and concluding. As for the topic, it is the most common on for this prompt, so consider how it would be to write about something more divisive.


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